Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Day 7 OP - THE Famous Onion Bread

Last night I felt pretty crappy. A general feeling of malaise, achy, tired, grumpy. And these little bumps all over my forehead and red welt-like spots on my leg. The ankles flaring with eczema. Not good. Not pretty. I thought I was coming down with the flu. And this was after restarting the OP for two days straight. The college football game and tailgating kinda hampered weight maintaining eating and living.

But I attempted THE Famous Onion Bread. With my little Nesco. And my little Kitchen Aid processor. I had to make the dough in two batches. And yeah, I can't spread out nice square sheets and cut nice square pieces like with an Excalibur dehydrator, but that's okay. I just kinda spread out my own little rectangles. Just think of it as meditative, right? I really had no idea how much 2 pounds of sweet onions were, so I figured the large yellow sweet onion I had was enough. And it was. It was just right as a matter of fact.

The final result was delicious! The kitchen smelled of toasty onion bread in the morning. It made a WONDERFUL ELT (eggplant, lettuce, tomato) w/Avo for lunch. But don't make that sandwich in the morning to eat for lunch. The eggplant bacon (at least MINE anyway) got soggy and leathery when sitting in the moist sandwich too long. And the bread cracks. So I pack up my sandwich unassembled and ready to put together at lunch time.
Yea for THE Famous Onion Bread...
Brekkie: Apple, Banana, bit of Lara Bar
Lunch: Tropical Kale Salad, Regular Salad w/Cilantro Vinaigrette, Zucchini fettuccine w Garlic Aoli w/chipotle
Dinner: Uh oh. Damn good tortilla chips, fresh salsa, gaucamole, vodka, shot of patron. It was my friends bday. what can you do.


  1. Hi Pirawna! This is Velvet from RFC! I saw your comment on Kristen's giveaway (I am the co-owner of Sirova) and immediately recognized your name. Cool! I was wondering what you were up to :)

  2. Hi Pirawna! This is Velvet from RFC! I saw your comment on Kristen's giveaway (I am the co-owner of Sirova) and immediately recognized your name. Cool! I was wondering what you were up to :)

  3. Hi Velvet! Sirova looks great! It seems to cover everything. I have fallen off the HighRaw wagon and gained like 9 pounds for the holidays. bleh. Looking forward to starting fresh today for the new year. I need to get back to the RFC and surround myself with people with like-minded goals...
